Pretty good.
It has a sort of a nutty, Adult Swim flavor. The voiceacting is great, and the animation well-synched.
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Pretty good.
It has a sort of a nutty, Adult Swim flavor. The voiceacting is great, and the animation well-synched.
I hate Navi so much.
Short but hilariously sweet.
Lots of work.
There was a lot of work put into this, just from the amount of screen time, backgrounds and voiceacting. However, this fan fiction flash could've been comedy gold with a few adjustments-
Less tweening, more keyframes! (Especially on the wild takes, like when Bugs screams)
The music was painted on a little thick- instead of playing it constantly in the background, either fade it out during dialogue or find something other than the main title theme to play that fits more of a mood rather than emphasizing over and over that "you're watching Tiny Toons!"
You might want to practice more takes or find a new voice actor for Plucky; the others came across as the characters, but Plucky Duck is just that; the duck's supposed to have attitude, not a lisp.
The lipsynching was actually very good, considering this being a no-budget film. In fact, incredible work for a group of people who didn't make any money off of doing this, but produced this work out of admiration for the dying art of good old cartoons. You've produced something great (a couple years ago), and I can only hope that you're working on more together to improve your skills.
Awesome game- incredibly smooth controls and animation. However, it did glitch out when I encountered the first disappearing platform series- the platform that moves upward quickly didn't reappear the second time I missed it, so I was pretty much screwed since I couldn't die from anything there. Still a 9/10, even if I missed some of the content because of the glitch.
It is what it is- a simple game. There's only one flaw, which would really only be significant if this was a competitive game- you can place the cursor to the right side of the screen and leave it there until you're satisfied with your score. Otherwise, the music loops perfectly and there aren't any scripting errors that cause weird things to happen. Solid.
Thanks. I see a pattern emerging that people can cheat by moving it to the right, so please anyone else do not say this :P, I may post a quick edit sorting this out.
Tasty Freebie
Awesome free flash adventure- however, I won't pay $15.99 to play more. It would need to be a lot more cutting-edge to pull a fancy restaurant tab out of my wallet. Otherwise, this is, however solid, something you'd find in a Playstation bargain bin.
Knock it down to the price of fast food and you'll have my interest- until then, I look forward to the next free flash you make.
Zero voters must've trolled through.
Why is this scored so low? This is a spot-on cover and an honorable tribute to one of the best of the Mega Man series games.
Ow, my speakers.
Not sure what you used to save/export this, but the volume is up WAY too high.
I fixed that problem
It's good!
I think what Durin meant when he said jarry was the the instruments are a little jarring and sharp, maybe a slight change of instruments or some softening of the high levels would perfect your work here.
Again though, great job!
Age 41, Male
Freelance Artist
MassArt (Graduate)
Hull, MA
Joined on 11/26/04